Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Simple & Handy Meditation and Mindfulness Prompts to keep on hand

Filling up your cup daily, helps you make sure you have more to give both yourself and your loved ones consistently and with ease. Fitting self care and pauses into the day can be tricky - when / how / what to do becomes all too much and a lot gets put off in overwhelm!

Here’s a handy set of meditation and mindfulness prompts to save and keep on hand for when you can’t do the thinking / can’t make it to a class / only have a few minutes. I’ve broken it into 2 occasions: quick and easy sessions and deeper, slower sessions for when you have TIME.

Don’t worry if you only have a few minutes it seems insufficient - the point is to have a CONSISTENT practice, not always a LONG practice. If you can get some quality stillness and practice in a few minutes a day this beats sitting for ages, willing yourself to meditate and feeling resistant. It definitely beats getting no practice in at all!

Quick & easy meditations to do when you have a few minutes – box breathing (inhale-pause-exhale-pause), listening to soundscapes (the breeze, people passing, cars and traffic, nature sounds), sitting / lying down and calling out (silently, using the inner voice) each part of the body, simply calling out a sound like OM

Deeper, slower practices when there is time– visualisation practice, yoga nidra (playing back a recording), memory meditations (the past day / week / month / year or a special point in time), looking mindfully and slowly at objects in the garden, recalling what’s around with eyes closed…

This was a list I put together for a client recently that we thought might be beneficial for everyone out there too. So we thought to share it with the intention that it inspires you to commit to a practice, to self care and to celebrating the joy of being. I hope it is useful to you!

Any questions, please reach out here.