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Asana to Activate the Ajna Chakra

Yoga to activate Ajna Chakra

On my most recent trip to Sri Lanka I attended one of my mum’s yoga classes and learned this fantastic asana to help activate the ajna chakra. This point is located between the eyebrow center and its energy is indigo in colour.. It governs insight, intuition and the function of brain, ears, eyes and the hypothalamus, which works with the pituitary gland to secrete and regulate a number of hormones. When it is at its full potential you are more able to stay calm under pressure, think more clearly and decisively, become more self aware and able to tap into your gut voice and intuition. It brings deep calm and steadiness.

This asana, Eka Pada Sarvangasana Variation Knee Sirsa or One Legged Shoulderstand Pose Variation with Knee to Head, utilises the pelvis, neck, upper back, arms and shoulders with the knee gently pressed into the eyebrow centre. Traditionally it is entered via halasana (plough pose) but I practiced straight down from shoulderstand and then did halasana afterward.

To get into the posture this way, start with a shoulder stand and keep the toes and feet relaxed to allow for blood circulation. Once you are comfortable in the hold for about 20-30 seconds, push hands further up the back to allow the back to straighten. Then, take the right foot and place it above your left knee, closer to the chest. Rotate the right knee so it faces the mid-line, pointing towards the forehead. Then, using the left leg to support and encourage the knee to push down, start to move the right knee and place it over the eyebrow centre.

Stay here for 8-10 deep breaths, focusing on the chakra centre in the action and breath. Visualise the centre with an indigo colour if you wish to practice at this level too, as you hold the pose.

To release the pose, straighten the right leg to meet the left and slowly lower both legs to the floor. Stay in savasana / anandasana to rest and then repeat on other side.

Contraindications include back, neck, shoulder issues, high blood pressure. Avoid if menstruating.

For more support or advice on topics such as this, or your personal practice please contact us using the link below, or look up our offerings at clinic and online here.