Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.

Posts tagged morning meditation
Effects Of Meditation On Brain Activity

Recently in a group discussion on the subject of mindfulness and meditation, we explored the effects of meditation on brain activity and how that impacts our daily lives, emotional and mental balance as well as overall wellbeing.

There are various ways that the brain is transformed in meditation, each distinct in activity; fluctuating with our actions and feelings. In this thought-piece I like to refer to the ‘path’ to meditation as a stepped process: starting with dharana (focused concentration, mindfulness), then dhyana (meditation, contemplative stillness) leading to samadhi (expansion, absorption). When practiced correctly, this process can transform the frequency and activity of the brain from higher to lower frequencies. This can profoundly impact how we experience life, by aligning individual with universal consciousness.

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Pitta balancing asana for morning practice

Combining kriyas with classic hatha asana (posture) and pranayama (breath)

This asana here is Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend) that stretches the muscles in the lower back, hip, hamstrings, and shoulders. It is derived from the Sanskrit words Ardha=half, Baddha=bound, Padma=lotus, Uttana=intense stretch, and asana=pose. This is an intense forward bend pose that is in the combination of Ardha Padmasana and Uttanasana. To build up to it, start to practice half lotus and standing forward bends and then begin to combine them, starting by wrapping the arm around the body before progressing to reaching for the foot. A great way to develop balance, stability and flexibility. It activates the solar plexus chakra, and stimulates the ajna and crown chakras due to the inversion.

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