Recipes - Ananda Wellness

Check out our delicious and healthy Ayurvedic food, drink, tea and condiment recipes for every season


Five Spice Baked Winter Veg with Roasted Garlic and Onion

Try this roast veggie dish with some herbed couscous on a cold winter night for wholesome yummy comfort. The sweetness of the veg is balanced with white pepper and the warmth of the cinnamon and 5 spice blend making it balanced and easy to digest in kapha dominant winter months. Takes about 10 min to prep and 25-30 min to bake, tops! (Serves 2)


1.5 cups each chopped carrot and pumpkin

1 whole onion sliced thinly

1 whole bulb garlic

2 teaspoons 5 spice blend (cinnamon, fennel seed, star anise, cloves, dry ginger)

3/4 tsp cinnamon powder

1 tsp raw sugar

4-5 tablespoons olive oil

Salt & white pepper for seasoning


  1. Preheat the oven, set to 200 degrees

  2. Place the veg + onions + garlic in a bowl and add spices, salt pepper, sugar and 4 tablespoons of oil

  3. Toss lightly to coat all with the spice mix

  4. Spread onto foiled baking tray, placing the whole bulb of garlic in the center. Bake for 25-30 minutes until fragrant and caramelised

  5. Remove, coat lightly with remaining oil

  6. Serve hot with herbed couscous (which can be prepared while you are waiting for this to bake!)

  7. Enjoy!

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