Recipes - Ananda Wellness

Check out our delicious and healthy Ayurvedic food, drink, tea and condiment recipes for every season


Winter Smoothie

I’ve started to get into warm smoothies as a near-midday snack, because Breakky happens quite early and I get peckish before lunch.

In the cold months, it can be tricky to get a smoothie fix in, so I created this warming and balanced blend that is yummy and hits the spot! This one has a semi sweet banana which I’ve balanced out with warming spices like turmeric, cinnamon and black pepper and added some spirulina and a few drops of hemp and flax oil for an extra boost. I used a tiny bit of Jalna natural yogurt (the best ever) and hot water to liquefy and blend. 

A couple of things to remember with typically ‘heavier’ drinks like this on cold kapha days is to bring any cold ingredients from the fridge to room temp first, to dial down the sweetness, and to have it closer to midday when digestive fire is strongest (vs early morning when it is lower as soon as you wake up). 



  • 1 ripe banana (or other fruit of choice)

  • Handful of spinach

  • 2 tablespoons LSA mix

  • ½ tablespoon spirulina powder

  • 1 heaped tsp turmeric

  • ¼ tsp cinnamon powder

  • ¼ tsp black pepper

  • ½ tsp hemp & flax oil (optional)

  • 1 tablespoon natural yoghurt or ½ cup plant milk

  • ½ cup hot water



  • Place all ingredients in blender, adding half the hot water in 

  • Blend for 30 seconds to liquefy, add the rest of the hot water in and blend again for a further 30 seconds to 1 minute

  • Enjoy straightaway!