Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Singing bowls for Anxiety

For anyone feeling anxious or a little edgy, try listening to or playing along with a Tibetan singing bowl. Simply rest the bowl loosely on the palm of your hand and strike it once, focusing on the sound and its vibration, and leaving all other thoughts aside just for that moment. Then when this fades, strike again and repeat the process, all the while allowing this vibration to displace that edginess

Once you have practiced a few times, try controlling the breathing making it slow and rhythmic, breathing into the belly and allowing the shoulders and chest to soften. Allow the sound to permeate through you, continuing to dispel that edginess. Keep consciously softening and releasing any tightness in the belly

When you are ready you can then start to circle the bowl, releasing the singing quality. Follow this too using it as a focal point that helps to leave the anxiety aside just for that moment and then a few longer moments and more

Once you are ready to stop, stop circling the bowl and follow the fading sound out and either complete the practice or carry on in stillness

You can also try using a healing essential oil to complement the practice. Here, I used a citrus infused oil for uplifting :)

If you don’t have a bowl handy please feel free to listen to this recording a few times. I have recorded about a minute here. I hope this is useful to you today and that it helps bring more peace to your day x