Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Listen to your gut instinct

Last week I felt a sense of excess, a crescendo of sorts with the new normal. I had a thought come to me after morning meditation that once again the curve was reaching its peak, coming up to an excess - too much online time, scheduling, doing, running around, planning, talking, meeting, thinking, action. It was essentially most of the things I had been doing squeezed into a much smaller set of outlets. Everyone has their own unique capacity and I reached mine. My cue came from a little eye irritation that had been trying to get my attention for a few days going - it was a scratch on my inner lid that needed me to take off my lenses and stop for a while… but I didn’t listen, and it flared up. So I had to stop but it was more than the eye. It was that curve of life stuff that was reaching its peak again, as it always does.  

I switched off, starting with a little social media / online cleanse. Prioritised introspection, quiet, indulgences. 

I created some really lovely meals, journaled about ideas, ponderings, confusing/inspiring/mad/lovely thoughts that came up, rested my eyes from reading off a little screen and read books instead… I also indulgently caught up on watching some TV series (I don’t often do this but I stumbled upon #Outlander and am fascinated), I saw loved ones in real life (yay to eased restrictions), had great conversations, put on face masks, took long showers, did more yin based movement (I had been doing lots of high intensity running and workouts, and needed a change). 

Work-wise, I taught a few classes online (focusing on a gratitude practice as theme which felt great), led and learned from some amazing 1:1 healing and talk therapy sessions, had only a tiny amount of catch ups & meetings, leading to great conversations and connections….. and then took the rest of my time off. 

My eye has now healed and my head and heart feel more open and replenished. Things fell into place. This is a process I’ve actively practiced over the last year and in looking back I can see a pattern developing in how life comes together a lot more easily now than before, because I do not resist what is being presented to me. 

Take the time to listen to the little cues from your body, and to prioritise yourself. The capacity to do this varies greatly from person to person but there is always some little inlet to this place. It is as simple as putting a few minutes to good use by listening to what your body and ‘inner sense’ is telling you on the daily. And then work from there. This can open the door to an amazing connection with yourself leading you to practice and strengthen that Gut Instinct that is the voice of the universe, having your back and guiding you toward the most amazing possibilities. 

Listen to yourself - my little Monday message to you x 

Picture via, one I love and wanted to share.