Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Intention Setting: 3 Key Shifts to Get Things Flowing!

The year 2020 taught us how to find peace and balance even when the answers seem totally unknown. Uncertainty and a need to know right now, to do away with the ‘grey’ is a challenge for most. So being forced to look uncertainty in the face and sit with its impact for the most part of 12 months, will have strengthened this psychic muscle.

In the spirit of venturing forth with this learning in place, here are some thoughts on intention setting and getting in ‘flow’ for 2021…

Let go of the outcome that you desire…. and also let go of ‘letting go’ of the outcome ;) (basically if you are holding on tight, loosen that grip, soften your focus)

Trust in the goodness of all that is unfolding around you – in what feels good, bad, sad, joyous, light, heavy, stuck. Trust that all is goodness no matter what form it takes, and that it can move you toward your path - if you let it. It’s that act of relaxing into the experience that helps us to soften and loosen the grip (see point 1!)

Remember to have fun where you are, exactly where you are right now. One of the foundational principles of Ayurveda is ‘like attracts like’; and that means that the real deal, whatever is going on underneath the surface will draw in its likeness. The point here is to live mindfully, aware of your own truth at all times, gently guiding yourself back to surrendering to what IS and finding peace and contentment there so that you continuously attract the same - that which is peaceful, and feels good.

And then Watch the Magic Unfold!

For any detailed questions or any specific help, please reach out to us here.