Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Surya Bhedi Pranayama

According to the Hatha yoga pradipika, Surya bhedi pranayama or right nostril breathing is one of the most beneficial pranayama (breath work) techniques in activating and energising the body. In Ayurveda too, this technique is used to dispel a kapha vitiation leading to lethargy, sluggishness, low energy, low motivation and a feeling of dullness.

The focus of this practice is to activate the surya or ‘sun’ element in your body, via the right nostril and ‘Pingala’ nadi which aligns with the vitality of the sun.

The first step is to prepare yourself to practice. Avoid any food for at least 1-2 hours and liquids at least 30 minutes before trying. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit in stillness without being disturbed. Make sure you are not required to drive or required to ‘rush’ immediately afterward – early morning is the best time.

To practice, sit in a padmasana or any comfortable upright seated position and begin to activate the ‘vyana’ vayu in the body, which vibrates through each of the cells and tissues. Activating this vayu helps to wake up and energise the system, before directing surya energy within.

To activate vyana vayu, make a fist mudra, with the thumb sitting across the palm, touching the root of the little finger. Take padmasana position and place your fists on your knees. Then repeat 7 rounds of creating and releasing tension within the head and body. To create the tension, start with clenched teeth, tightening the eyes shut, pulling inward in the head, and rippling this inward ‘pull’ through the whole body. Tense and hold for 10 seconds or longer and then do a long exhale, fully clearing the whole system. After this sit in stillness for upto 10-15 breaths or until you are ready to repeat the process, upto 7 times.

Next, begin pingala (sympathetic nervous system) activation and bring pranic flow into the Nadi. Start by following the nadi shodhana technique, except the breathing will be one directional; rest your left hand on your knee and take your right hand and form the vishnu mudra (pictured) - fold the index and middle finger toward the base of the thumb and extend the thumb, ring and little finger out. Use the ring finger to plug left nostril and the thumb to plug the right as you work through the breathing process.

Take a deep inhale through the right nostril and exhale slowly through left. Pause and then continue to inhale from the left and exhale through the right. This way we continue to inhale into the Pingala Nadi which is the Nadi of the sun (right nostril). Do this for two minutes, not counting the number of breaths but for two whole minutes. When do this you activate the left side of the brain and feel awakened and fresh. Stay still for a minute after completing the two minutes.

After this, take the Vishnu mudra again, inhale through the right nostril and hold the breath by plugging both nostrils and hold the breath inside while expanding the belly. Hold for up to 10 secs and then exhale through left nostril. Continue to do this for about 30 seconds to one min and then sit still and observe the changes within you.

Apply these three practices to wake up the surya energy within you starting by practicing each stage on its own, gradually adding the next stage after a few days of practice.

To be avoided in the case of: Asthma, bronchitis, or respiratory issues, Flu, cough, or severe illness, chest congestion, High or Low blood pressure, during pregnancy

To find out more or organise an appointment to practice this and other techniques along with an ayurvedic consult, please contact us below.