Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Breathing to relieve anxiety

The way we breathe is strongly linked to the way we feel. When relaxed, we breathe slowly, and when anxious we breathe more quickly.

As we inhale we take in oxygen (O2), and create a waste product, carbon dioxide (CO2) when we breathe out. With relaxed breathing, the levels of O2 and CO2 we produce are balanced, allowing us to function efficiently.

During any physical exercise, there is a natural increase in the breathing rate as the body takes in more O2 to fuel its muscles. This leads to a subsequent increase in CO2 being expelled, and the body’s O2/CO2 levels remain balanced.

When we are anxious, our breathing rate increases and this same process applies. However as our bodies are not working any harder (we are not necessarily exercising) the muscles do not use up any of the extra O2 and thus the CO2 level in blood concentration drops. This creates what is a called a state of alkalosis, which is why we feel light-headed, tingly, clammy and sweaty when anxious.

You can manage this by relaxing your breathing to feel better:
1) Sit or lie down comfortably
2) Breathe slowly and steadily. Place your hands on your belly and chest to connect awareness of the body with the breath
3) Try a yogic breathing technique or 4 part breath: inhale 4 counts, hold the breath 2 counts, breathe out slow and steady for 4 counts, hold the breath 2 counts
4) Repeat for 5 minutes

If you have experienced these feelings and have any questions or would like some support or ideas on managing this please reach out and we’ll assist or direct you to a suitable resource. Hari Om