Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.

Posts tagged seasonal allergies
Hay Fever & Congestion Relief

Experience powerful Sri Lankan Ayurvedic herbal steam inhalation therapy and a massage / release of key marma points along with heat therapy to help you loosen the congestion and heaviness of hay fever and blocked sinuses.

Suitable for both seasonal as well as chronic conditions.

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Managing coughs, colds, flus during seasonal changes

One of the core principles of ayurveda is that 'like increases like'. Winter and that time in-between Winter and Spring when the cold is ‘melting’ is a time of year when the water and earth element are most dominant in nature - this is why we feel cold, heavy and blue and the incidence of phlegm, mucus, coughs and colds increase. If you are prone to these ailments and are thinking of a more natural route to healing this year, here are some handy guidelines…

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